About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mommy-Jacking and Parental Oversharing

Have you heard these terms? Here are the “definitions”…

Mommy-Jacking: The art of “hi-jacking” someone else’s unrelated FB status or comment post to make it all about your child or needing to have a child.


Parental Oversharing: The misguided idea that somehow, everyone following you on social media wants to know and hear about your child’s poop, snot (and other bodily fluids), or your toddler’s boners.

Of course, there all types of Mommy-Jackers: We have the Classic Mommy-Jacker; she really believes that your day/post will be better when she interjects her news. The Self-Centered Mommy-Jacker; she finds a way to work info about her kids into just about any conversation. The Self-Righteous Mommy-Jacker; she will let you know that no matter what’s happening in your life, she has faced worse, done more, or already tried that and knows what you need to do. There are even Mommy-Jackers that try to hi-jack other Mommy-Jackers with “One-up-manship” ala the You-think-you’re-tired-listen-to-this type posts.

Parents DO get a bad wrap for doing this, especially when you consider that other people overshare about other aspects of their lives too….like your friend that tells you every time they’re off to the grocery store or specific details about their exercise workout. Have a little patience.

As parents, of course you’re proud of your child’s first solid poop or their extreme cuteness when they scream and you think you might be more challenged and tired than anyone EVER, but before you hit SEND, just ask yourself, “Is this information really necessary or am I just Mommy-Jacking this person’s status?”

When reading these, most people just think, “Eww, TMI!” ….and then there are the ones who think, “How can your children be the center of the universe when clearly mine are?”

Have you been guilty of over-sharing in the past? What's the funniest thing someone has shared about their kids on your FB page?

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