About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do your kids behave better for other people than they do for you?

Most parents have experienced this and asked themselves this question. Why does little Johnny follow the rules at other peoples houses but goes ballistic and throws a tantrum as soon as we leave? Why is little Mary an angel for the babysitter and then trips an emotional whine-fest the minute you get home? Makes you crazy sometimes, right?

I think for most kids, it’s the fact that they aren’t totally comfortable with the “alternate care-givers” and don’t feel free to let it all hang out. They know how they’re supposed to act and can keep it together for the time being, things are new and interesting in their environment and consequences are virtually unknown so they don’t push the envelope as much.

Familiar can be the challenge, but familiar is also the safe place with Mom and Dad where they can work out their little mental personas and how they fit into their world and the people around them. The great news is you get to see all the wonderful aspects of their little personalities when they are comfortable with Mom and Dad. Stuff the other people don’t always get to see. The intimate bonding stuff; the warm cuddly, huggable stuff……the parental reward stuff.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breast Feeding in Public or Going where no Man has Gone Before

I guess we’re gonna go there…..yes, talking about breastfeeding in public. Very controversial and everyone’s got an opinion. Not long ago, an article was posted at the Huffington Post about an incident where a mother was breastfeeding her 5 month old baby in front of everyone in court. She was covered and in the back of the room. The judge found it inappropriate and kicked her out of the courtroom. If you’d like to read this article you can find it here:


This begs the question; Are there any places that are inappropriate for breastfeeding (even if covered) or should a mother have complete carte blanche to breastfeed anywhere she pleases, covered or not?

True, it’s not illegal to breastfeed in public (at least I think not in most places, I don't know) I kinda feel that as long as the mother is covered in a public place there shouldn’t be a problem…anywhere. I realize that this is also not a popular stance either, and latching is difficult when covered at times, but I feel, if that mother wants to be uncovered, she should find a more private place to feed her child. Notice I didn’t suggest a bathroom (although some have clean sitting rooms adjacent)….maybe an office or conference room or chair in a less traveled hallway. It’s not about shame or dirty, it’s about modesty and respectfulness. Some people have no problem being nude either but it’s not allowed in public. I know it’s a natural thing but so are lots of bodily functions that I don’t want to see in public. Just cover up and no one can say they saw anything.

I know my opinion isn’t everyone’s but I do think it’s common, and I know if you’re a mom who has a breastfeeding infant, you may not agree. Breastfeed anywhere you want, I just don’t wanna see it…why should your rights trump my rights?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Step Away from the Plastic Surgeon


It was a great Christmas at the Burge household this year.

Sarah Burge, known as the UK's "Human Barbie" gave her 7 yr old daughter a liposuction voucher for $7,000 for her present. Sarah herself, sadly, has had many multiple surgeries stating,"I've had half a million pounds" worth of surgery! So proud of this she is!

A grown woman is one thing but starting her daughter at this young age, filling her mind with thoughts that's she not perfect enough is sickening. Of course, this is the woman who is teaching her daughters to pole dance and saving up for the boob job she's promised.

I know! How about saving for something more important, like THEIR EDUCATION! Read more about this horrid Mom at  http://tinyurl.com/737kgq9  if you have the stomach.  Hey, that's an idea!  How about a voucher for a tummy tuck for the 8th birthday?