About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween 2012 - No Tricks, only Treats!

Your kids will never know how different Halloween is for them than it was for us. Hours out by ourselves and our parents never worried. Did you take the pillowcase off your bed? Yeah, me too. Even though Halloween is different now, new traditions have started and we can still keep children safe while letting them enjoy the fun of dressing up and those wonderful treats.

Here are some tips on keeping your little ones safe:

1. Make sure costumes are the correct size, not dragging the ground. Masks should be easy to breathe in and see where they’re going. Accessories not to bulky, sharp or dangerous should the child fall. Light costumes are better and to make your child easier to see, they can carry a flashlight or wear glow sticks around their neck.

2. Keep the kids in groups and stay on the sidewalks. Always cross streets on the crosswalks and walked on blocks facing the traffic.

3. Have a plan before you leave the house and make sure you take a cell phone.

4. If your child is trick or treating accompanied by another adult, make sure they know who is in charge and are comfortable with the person. For younger children, the adult should accompany the child up to the door.

5. Teach children to stay in well lit areas, don’t take shortcuts, and only enter homes with your prior permission. Tell them never to approach a vehicle even if it looks empty and stay with the group.

6. Tell your kids if anyone tries to grab them, do everything, scream, kick and yell “This person is trying to take me!” or “This is not my Mother/Father!” to draw attention to themselves.

7. Consider attending home or organized community parties as a good alternative to trick or treating.

8. Always check your kids treats before they eat them. Throw away any candy not in its original wrapper or pieces that look like they’ve been opened or tampered with.

A little common sense goes a long way. Plan out your route and stay out of unfamiliar areas or dark alleys and parking lots. Have a fun safe Halloween!

Monday, October 8, 2012

We Can’t be too Safe

Of course, I’m going to start this by saying I don’t ever remember this happening when I was a kid. Thank goodness. I’m sure it happened but it was much more rare. I realize then it was a simpler time but the world is getting scarier and scarier these days. Children being abducted. Not just when they wander off, out in the woods, playing in a vacant lot or behind a dark building, but on our streets, in front of the school, broad daylight, in our yards and right under our noses.

Today we fight it harder. We have tighter security at schools, neighborhood watch and other wonderful programs like the Amber Alert and it still happens. Parents have to be more diligent than ever, even if we’re busy, even if it’s inconvenient. Even if we’re lucky and it’s never happened to us or anyone we know.

Sometimes a miracle happens and the child is found unharmed as in a recent case in Toulon, Illinois where a 3 week old baby was found under a bridge within 24 hours of abduction.


Sometimes we don’t get the miracle that we pray so hard for, as in the case just this week in my area, Westminster, Colorado of Jessica Ridgeway, 10 yrs old, found dismembered, one week after her abduction.


We used to leave Saturday morning on our bikes and not come home until 5 o’clock for dinner. That cannot be any more. That time is over. Never leave a young child alone, not even for a minute. Know where your children are and what they’re doing. Arrange for supervised play, escort to school and know the people that they'll be around.

If these stories don’t scare you, nothing will. If you send your kids out to play, go with them, play with them or grab a cup of coffee and sit on the deck. Keep a watchful eye on them. So what if the floor needs mopping or the laundry needs to be done, the floor can wait, your children can’t.

For statistics on the number of children abducted each year, visit the website for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
