About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Taking your kids to Fast food restaurants, Good? Bad? Make up your mind!

A Manhattan father, in the middle of a divorce and custody battle, is in a fight this week over a decision he made regarding dinner with his son.  David Schorr is a corporate attorney turned consultant with degrees from NYU and Oxford University and has actually filed a lawsuit against the court appointed shrink for defamation because she told the judge deciding the case (between him and his estranged wife) that he is unfit because he refused to take his son to McDonald’s for dinner last week.
Schorr has had partial custody of his 4 year old son for the past two and a half years. The boy threw a tantrum when Schorr told him they could have dinner anywhere but McDonald’s or no dinner at all. Being stubborn, the child chose “no dinner” and after repeatedly trying to change his son’s mind about getting something to eat, to no avail, he dropped him off at his wife’s place where the boy tattled on his father causing the wife to phone the shrink.  In the suit, Schorr’s parenting skills are coming into question because of this incident.  The custody trial resumes in December when the judge will decide if Schorr is fit to parent his son.

Really?  Are we going to say his parenting skills are bad because he’s refused to feed his child greasy fast food?  Or is it because he failed to bow to his child’s temper tantrum?  Maybe it’s because he brought him back to Mom without dinner?  Is it some kind of abuse NOT to take your child to McDonald’s??  COME ON!

Does this Dad deserve a bad wrap for this? What do you think?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

DJ Babes-a-Lot in the House

Have you heard about the new cool thing in Brooklyn for the 3 year old set? It’s a music mixing school allowing kids 1-3 yrs to try their hand at mixing electronic music, basically being their own DJ.

Sounds crazy right?  But it’s getting a lot of buzz. The class turns the kids loose on actual beat-mixing equipment. During the classes they learn to mix separate tracks to make their own music. The idea behind this is that very young children benefit from interaction with other kids and parents by developing their fine motor skills while being creative and appreciating music.  Some kids fine it very stimulating while others don’t take to it as well.

Baby DJ School, located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, is the brainchild of seasoned DJ Natalie Weiss who is the founder and instructor. Her course is 8 sessions, each 45 minutes, for $200.  She hopes to take her classes nationwide.

There are the neigh sayers though. Some Brooklyn residents have said they think this is just another thing to do to try to seem hip saying, ” It’s cool because you can afford to pay $200 for it”.

The kids just like that they can touch the pads, sliders and knobs without hearing “No No”.    
For more information on these classes visit: http://redtri.com/new-york/baby-dj-school

If the price tag is a bit steep for you or you’re nowhere near Brooklyn, here’s a tip: There’s an app for the iphone/ipad called “Baby DJ” to get you started.

What do you think about this idea?  Ridiculous or ingenious?  Beneficial or attempt at status building?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Womb tubers – Videotaping the stick

Well, the next generation (literally) in social sharing has bubbled to the top. Posting a video of the stick turning blue/pink or  +/-  with pregnancy results online the moment it happens.  I knew this was next way back in January when we were discussing ultrasound parties, because this is a nation of over-sharers.

A quick search on YouTube of “pregnancy test results” brings up over 42,000 results. Go ahead and try it, we’ll wait………

Again, I say, this fascination with videotaping and sharing every private moment of your lives is narcissistic and sad.  In a world where Instagram and YouTube is used by millions of people, I can see it happening that a gal gets so excited when she sees she’s pregnant that, out of habit, she hits the share button to upload the video just before she realizes that she hasn’t even told the baby daddy yet. Ooops. Oh well, he can read it on his Twitter feed…??

Now I understand getting on FaceBook and posting, ”Hey, guess what, we’re pregnant!” and things of the such, but the world doesn’t need to be in the bathroom with you by way of video feed.  Is there nothing private anymore?

Apparently not, because there will be some kids in a few years that will hate their parents when they realize mommy also videotaped them potty training and posted that for the whole world to see too….for ever…and ever…. on the internet.  Thank goodness there was no YouTube when I was a kid!

Monday, September 9, 2013

At the Pool (or WTH?)

Now, I’m not the most prude person out there, but this weekend, as we’re lying out in the sun, at a public pool, I saw something I couldn’t believe. There were families enjoying the weekend, hanging by the pool, mom and dads, lots of kids and people in general.  What disturbed me was the child who looked to be 5 or 6 yrs old (girl) whose mom removed her bikini top and who spent the entire day walking around with no top on. I can see doing this with a toddler, say 2 yrs,  but certainly not a child as old as 5 or 6.

It’s not just about weirdos,  though they are out there. I feel there’s a need to teach your daughters that this is not acceptable once they are old enough to understand the concept.

This mom made sure there were towels for the child, she diligently put sunscreen on her and we even had our sunglasses…but somehow, no top was fine!?!  Do some people need help understanding appropriate? 

To add another dimension:  Does it matter if they were clearly German and may have different cultural ideas?

I clearly don’t agree with this but how do you feel about it?  Up to what age do you feel topless is OK with your daughters?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tough Topics and keeping it Real

Sesame Street has never shied away from tough topics and now they are tackling the topic of a parent being incarcerated.  This is coming with some raised eyebrows and of course, some differences of opinion on whether this is appropriate for the age demographic of Sesame Street viewers.

On the one side, you’ll have the people that don’t or somehow can’t, talk to their kids about the parent, aunt/uncle/family member that is in jail and deal with that child’s feelings and worries. They appreciate and rely on show’s like this to help their children deal with and realize that this happens in some families and that they are not alone. They consider this a fact of life and approve of Sesame Street bringing this topic into the light and keeping it “real”.

The opposing consensus is that people need to deal with their family issues in their own homes. Talk to their children if this happens in their family and deal with it themselves rather than expecting a children’s show to teach their kids for them. This is not a fact of life in most families. Those against this type of programming would rather not have their kids watching and asking questions about topics they’d like to shelter their children from until they are older.

If you'd like to watch the video, it's here.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk3SxyPW6lA 

Sesame Street has dealt with many other topics like death, bullying, academic success and divorce. What do you think?  Is the topic of incarceration something you want your children watching and asking questions about at very young ages?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What’s in a Name – The Art of Naming your Child

As the world waits breathlessly for the royal baby to be born, this week I read that many women in the UK right now are holding off naming their child because they’re waiting to hear what Kate and William will be naming theirs.  Apparently, over there, you have 6 weeks to name your child after birth and Kate is due any time now so they’re waiting to name their baby the same.

Seems kind of ridiculous to some of us over here maybe, but then again, we have celebrities recently naming their kids things like North and Blue Ivy… And, we have other people naming their kids after favorite celebrities too.

People come up with all kinds of clever and unique names. There are always the traditionalists who go for the family names or a mashup of two family members; my high school friend’s name was Joneva, a combination of her Mom and Dad’s name, John and Eva. You could always use a familiar name and just spell it differently.

Some name their kids after movie heroes, book characters or Disney characters. Some stick with biblical names or name every child starting with the same letter of the alphabet. Then there are the holiday names for a child born in December, Noel or Holly.

Then you get to the more unusual names. I worked with a lady years ago named Sundae Sweet. You’ve heard of people having the same first and last names…Chris Chris? Then there was the famous Texas daughter named Ima Hogg. Her daddy was the Attorney General and the Governor of Texas back in the early 1890’s.

Recently, there was the controversy over the parents in Jersey that named their children after prominent Nazi historical figures including Hitler. (read this story here).

There are also baby names that are against the law in other places…. (read this story here).

Every year the Social Security Administration puts out a list of the most popular baby names for the previous year. You can even find baby naming apps on line.

The bottom line is, people since the dawn of man have tried to give their children a sense of identity in choosing their names. We all want our boys to have a strong name and our girls a pretty name. All parents want to give their child everything and put their dreams and wishes into their beautiful new, sweet baby and his/her future. We choose names that make the family happy, us happy and hopefully our child happy. Naming your child is truly an art born of inspiration and love.

So, what’s in a name?....oh, just….everything!

Monday, March 25, 2013

New Baby Day Camp

A small group of youngsters sit in a circle around a pretend campfire. They watch as the procedure for changing diapers is covered and how to feed and hold a baby.  This class is a great idea for youngsters who are expecting a new baby in their household. It’s meant as a primer on what to expect when mommy brings the new baby home.

Most kids have no idea what having this new little person around will be like and they learn ways they can help out in the process and feel included. When they leave here, they will be certified big brothers and sisters.

Classes like this are sprouting up all over the states, usually in the larger cities, sponsored by hospitals, churches and women’s organizations. It’s a wonderful way to include your younger children and get them excited about having a new sibling.

This is awesome, they didn’t have that when I was a kid and Mom and Dad brought home this stinky brother of mine. J (He was born in December and I thought he was my Christmas present)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Top Ten Ways Daddy can Support Expecting Mommy

A little Top Ten List for the Expecting Daddy today-

#10.  Say, “I can’t wait” or “I’m so excited” – Even if you don’t feel it, say it anyway, pump up the enthusiasm, trust me on this.

#9.    Tell her she looks beautiful – There will be days she doesn’t feel it but it’s nice to hear.

#8.   Offer to rub her swollen feet – or her back, or whatever.  You have no idea how it feels to not be able to see your feet, much less reach them.

#7.    Ask what you can do for her – Pay attention to her needs, wants, and cravings.  Realize there’s little or no way she can control what is happening to her body and mind right now.

#6.    Step up and take some stuff off her hands – She got a lot to do to get ready and WAY less energy to do it with. Take on more of the household duties so she doesn’t have to choose between killing herself and living in squalor.

#5.   Agree with how she wants to decorate the baby’s room – Does the particular shade of blue matter to you anyway? And if she changes her mind and decides that Periwinkle would be better than Sky Blue, your response should be, “Of course sweetie, that’s no problem” and repaint with a smile.

#4.  Go to as many prenatal care appointments and birthing classes as you can – The response, “But honey, that’s my day to meet the boys at Hooters for lunch” is not the correct answer to hearing that her doctor’s appointment is scheduled for Wednesday noon.

#3.   Never say, “Ooooh”, “gross”, or wrinkle your nose at something related to the pregnancy - The doctors exam may seem weird and birthing movies she asks you to watch can be… uncomfortable… if you have to look away, do that, but please don’t say derogatory things, she may take it personally.

#2.   Plug in and generally participate – You got her pregnant, now you have to engage. Your job is not over, ever.

And the #1 way daddy can support expecting Mommy....

Be there for the labor -  Except for circumstances beyond your control, you must attend. There may be hours and hours of labor and it may seem like not much is happening for awhile but suck it up! Stay for the whole thing, beginning to end. When she’s really in pain she may yell at you, throw things at you and tell you to get the H*LL out. This is not your permission to leave. If you were in this much pain, you’d be screaming too.  Remember, this part is not about you!  … Oh, and don’t pass out.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Slippery when Wet: Newborn Bath Safety and Skin Care

Bathing and caring for a newborns skin can be intimidating for new parents. A daily bath is not necessary for the first year; experts recommend 3x week so as not to dry out their delicate skin. When it’s not a bath day, it’s fine to wipe the baby’s face and body with a soft damp washcloth.  Plain water is optimal but if you use a product, stick with ones made especially for babies with no dyes or perfumes and one that’s PH balanced, rinsing thoroughly when done.
Get your bathing area ready and all your items needed handy. Make sure there are no electric appliances anywhere near the tub.  Use only 2 to 4 inches of water and never leave an infant alone, even for a second.

It’s a good idea to immerse the baby completely in the water except for the neck and head to allow them to retain their heat during their bath.  Always support the baby the entire time during the bath and test the water on the inside of your wrists for temperature beforehand. It’s a good idea to set your water heater to 120 degrees or below to avoid scalding trouble.
Change diapers every 2 to 4 hours or when soiled and try to use plain water here too. If wipes are your only option, choose PH balanced hypo-allergenic wipes without lanolin or alcohol.

Babies also can get rashes and eczema and cradle cap. Use zinc-oxide for diaper rash as a barrier between the skin and acidic stool and urine. For the eczema, depending on the severity, a topical cream may do the trick. Cradle cap may be treated by brushing the scales with a soft-bristled brush while bathing and shampooing with a mild shampoo, then rinse. For any skin condition that persists, see your pediatrician.
Bath time is a special bonding time for you and your baby. Keep it fun and safe by following these important tips.

For information on these topics and more visit the American Academy of Pediatrics website at http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/default.aspx  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pregnancy Paparazzi:What's up with ultrasound parties?

We’ve had baby showers since before anyone can remember anything else that was done to celebrate an upcoming birth. Next, we ramped it up with Daddy Diaper parties and then it was gender reveal parties. Now the latest…? Live sonogram parties! OVERSHARE!

This has been called, “The latest rage for self-important pregnant women”. It’s no longer good enough to have cake with pink or blue filling or an ultrasound picture to show around to family and friends (if not posted to FaceBook). Now we need a live audience in the room for the actual sonogram? Do we really need to get this intimately involved with the mom-to-be’s pregnancy?

What’s next? The conception achieved reveal where friends gather for the actual pregnancy test so they can get the news the minute the strip turns blue? I completely understand the excitement that surrounds pregnancy and the ultrasound is an intimate milestone of that but why do some people seem to need others to validate their most precious moments?

This also begs another question: what if there’s a problem? This happens more than people realize and today ultrasounds are used to diagnose many disorders and malformations. What do you do/say if it becomes apparent that the fetus has not developed properly or, God forbid, there’s no heartbeat? The difficulty of getting that message would be magnified tremendously by an entire roomful of party goers.

While it’s generally contended that an ultrasound is safe for a baby, medical experts caution against having these parties. The American College of Radiology and the Food and Drug Administration discourage having ultrasounds purely for entertainment and not for medical reasons.

If you’re still not detracted from having one of these “baby bump” parties, it’ll set you back about $200-600 depending on who you get to come to your private home. That would buy an awful lot of diapers! These services are popping up all over the U.S. Many sonographers have package deals where they bring and set-up the examination table, imaging equipment and screens for viewing at the party.

Is this the time for a party atmosphere? “Need another drink?”, “Try the canapés” and “Oh, How did you like my uterus?” Is nothing private anymore? Some things should still be intimate so thanks, but no thanks, I’d rather not be invited to your sonogram!

(BTW: the sonogram pic above is Beyonce's, just shared with HBO recently. Didn't you recognize Blue Ivy?)

{If you find yourself invited to a bump party or a traditional baby shower, might I suggest a http://www.WickedCoolBaby.com gift set or garment as a gift? Our designs are funny, cool and perfect for giving something adorable to the Mom-to-be!}