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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Public diaper changes – That table’s for glasses, not asses!

First, we argue about the mother’s right to breastfeed in public and now, the right to change a diaper anywhere we wish, including a restaurant tabletop? Really?!

There have been numerous news stories about moms being asked to leave restaurants and even one where cops were called to an eatery in New Jersey because a woman decided to change her baby at the table stating there was no changing table in the restroom.

While most people realize, and common sense should tell you, that changing a diaper in a restaurant seating area is beyond disgusting, there are still some who don’t care what most people think. Some people won’t even use the changing table offered in a public bathroom saying it’s dirty. There are people who won’t lay their child on a changing pad on the floor of the bathroom saying it’s filthy, but have no problem contaminating your eating surfaces.

The sense of entitlement is dumbfounding! Talk about unsanitary and offensive. People have to EAT there!

Changing a diaper in a public area of any sort, most especially in a restaurant dining area, whether on the table or in the seats, is unacceptable! This is why we have federal health regulations in public establishments. You have blankets and changing pads, use them, in the bathroom or on the tailgate or seat of your car, in the stroller….they wash. What happened to common courtesy for other people? I know it’s difficult sometimes to find a convenient, clean place to change a diaper but you cannot contaminate public areas and put others at a health risk. There is always an alternative to having to change a diaper at a table.

Lysol®, Purell®, gas mask…anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With Swifty Snap you don't have to do any of those. It turns your own lap into a changing table so you can change a dipaer germ free anywhere. It would save the table top and allow a Mom to change a diaper in the bathroom without a changing table. I found it at www.swiftysnap.com.