About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Step Away from the Plastic Surgeon


It was a great Christmas at the Burge household this year.

Sarah Burge, known as the UK's "Human Barbie" gave her 7 yr old daughter a liposuction voucher for $7,000 for her present. Sarah herself, sadly, has had many multiple surgeries stating,"I've had half a million pounds" worth of surgery! So proud of this she is!

A grown woman is one thing but starting her daughter at this young age, filling her mind with thoughts that's she not perfect enough is sickening. Of course, this is the woman who is teaching her daughters to pole dance and saving up for the boob job she's promised.

I know! How about saving for something more important, like THEIR EDUCATION! Read more about this horrid Mom at  http://tinyurl.com/737kgq9  if you have the stomach.  Hey, that's an idea!  How about a voucher for a tummy tuck for the 8th birthday?

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