About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Public diaper changes – That table’s for glasses, not asses!

First, we argue about the mother’s right to breastfeed in public and now, the right to change a diaper anywhere we wish, including a restaurant tabletop? Really?!

There have been numerous news stories about moms being asked to leave restaurants and even one where cops were called to an eatery in New Jersey because a woman decided to change her baby at the table stating there was no changing table in the restroom.

While most people realize, and common sense should tell you, that changing a diaper in a restaurant seating area is beyond disgusting, there are still some who don’t care what most people think. Some people won’t even use the changing table offered in a public bathroom saying it’s dirty. There are people who won’t lay their child on a changing pad on the floor of the bathroom saying it’s filthy, but have no problem contaminating your eating surfaces.

The sense of entitlement is dumbfounding! Talk about unsanitary and offensive. People have to EAT there!

Changing a diaper in a public area of any sort, most especially in a restaurant dining area, whether on the table or in the seats, is unacceptable! This is why we have federal health regulations in public establishments. You have blankets and changing pads, use them, in the bathroom or on the tailgate or seat of your car, in the stroller….they wash. What happened to common courtesy for other people? I know it’s difficult sometimes to find a convenient, clean place to change a diaper but you cannot contaminate public areas and put others at a health risk. There is always an alternative to having to change a diaper at a table.

Lysol®, Purell®, gas mask…anyone?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Wonder of Childhood

Things that make you go, hmmmm. Who knows where we got all our crazy notions as kids? Some came from parents, family and siblings teasing us and some came from misunderstandings in language and/or explanations. But, sometimes we just got a funny idea about how things worked in our little world all on our own. Everyone remembers something they believed in childhood that was funny or crazy.
For me, I believed the Moon followed me. Yup, all those long drives at night we'd take coming home from
somewhere and I'd be in the back seat, moon hanging low in the sky out the window. Staring at the Moon, it appeared it was moving just as fast as we were as the scenery whizzed past, keeping up with me....until we pulled into the driveway where it would stop and stay outside our house all night. It always made me feel

Sometimes if you ask your kids about things and really listen, you can get the cutest answers; no harm before you explain how it really works, right? Great fodder for their baby books. You'll love sharing discussions with your kids and I'm sure you'll reminisce about things you believed. That's the wonder of childhood.

Your turn:  What did you believe when you were young?

Friday, May 11, 2012

TIME for Mother's Day

Have you seen the new TIME magazine cover by now? Strategically published on Mother’s Day week?

Yes, it’s controversial and provocative. Yes, that’s what TIME wanted it to be. They’re just stirring the conversational pot. I don’t want to talk about whether I’m for this or against; although I have very strong feelings about which side I fall (feel) on.

I am interested in the response it elicits; strong enough for people to post about their feelings on “Attachment Parenting” and “Extended Breastfeeding” on every site and blog it’s mentioned and call each other names and throw snarky comments and insults about. Everyone has a “story” and/or opinion and most can reference some study or another, which, of course, don’t agree. Nutrition aside, definitive statistics are still out on whether Extended BF or AP is psychologically good for a 3-4-5-6 yr old. Societal and cultural influences make a difference to be certain. This certainly isn’t the first (BF) rodeo; there have been those who’ve gone well into the 4th and 5th year before. But this verbal assault of each other, spurred on by TIME asking, “Are you MOM enough?” is sad. Nothing will be decided one way or the other.

Can we take it down a notch and be kinder to each other….especially on Mother’s Day weekend?

The only thing that’s for sure? Time Magazine is selling a lot of magazines this month!

What do you think?  Comments, Questions, Concerns?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Creative Discipline

There are times when you have to think out of the box when doling out punishments with your kids. As you know, not all kids respond to the same things.

Case in point: I knew a certain 8 yr old that was familiar with being sent to her room when she acted up against her little brother. This had become so common (and she had apparently weighed the pros and cons many times) that she wouldn’t even hesitate, she’d just pop him one and head off to her room.

Obviously, this punishment didn’t serve to curb the behavior and Mom had to come up with something more effective. All children are different and sometimes you have to get ‘em where it hurts; what’s most important to them.

Seems cruel though, when you have to take away the birthday party they were to attend next weekend when they’ve been waiting weeks and all their friends are going. Maybe that is a bit stiff for saying a bad word or talking back….BUT maybe it’s about right for heavier infractions like lying or physically hurting other children.

This Mom has decided her creative punishment is a bad attitude jar. http://tinyurl.com/7bp88ay

I’ve known parents that actually ask their child what the punishment should be for what they’ve done…..amazingly enough, most times the kids are actually harder on themselves. Whatever you do, don’t say things like,” You’re never going to the movies again!” or “I’m not making you dinner anymore if you’re not going to eat it!” in the heat of the moment. It’s obviously something you can’t uphold.

Think it through at a time when you’re not mad. What would “speak” to your child most effectively? You know them best after all, so what punishments work for your kids?  -- Donna *WCB

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Top Ten Things you Give Up when you're a Parent

10. Free Time - Remember all those hours spent on your hobby?   What hobby?
9. Caring what other people think - Don't need stranger's opinion of whether your child should be wearing a hat or not or what you're feeding them!
8. Vanity - Still wear makeup to the store and gas station? Sweats anyone?
7. Being Less Careful - It was OK for you to ride in the back of Grandpa's pickup growing up but now your children wear helmets for everything!
6. Control over your own home - Where you leave things, safety proof everything, and those glass tables and artsy things are long gone.
5. Peace of Mind - No matter what, you will now worry about everything relating to your kids forever.
4. Sleeping In - Sleep Deprivation is the number one...ca...use...of.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
3. Disposable Income - There's always something you need to get or provide for your little ones!
2. Following a Schedule - No matter how hard you try, the only schedule that now matters is the one your child is on....
AND, the number one thing you give up when you're a parent is:
1. Bathroom Time Alone - Your personal Space in now their personal space.  It's futile to hide in there, they will find you!