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Friday, May 11, 2012

TIME for Mother's Day

Have you seen the new TIME magazine cover by now? Strategically published on Mother’s Day week?

Yes, it’s controversial and provocative. Yes, that’s what TIME wanted it to be. They’re just stirring the conversational pot. I don’t want to talk about whether I’m for this or against; although I have very strong feelings about which side I fall (feel) on.

I am interested in the response it elicits; strong enough for people to post about their feelings on “Attachment Parenting” and “Extended Breastfeeding” on every site and blog it’s mentioned and call each other names and throw snarky comments and insults about. Everyone has a “story” and/or opinion and most can reference some study or another, which, of course, don’t agree. Nutrition aside, definitive statistics are still out on whether Extended BF or AP is psychologically good for a 3-4-5-6 yr old. Societal and cultural influences make a difference to be certain. This certainly isn’t the first (BF) rodeo; there have been those who’ve gone well into the 4th and 5th year before. But this verbal assault of each other, spurred on by TIME asking, “Are you MOM enough?” is sad. Nothing will be decided one way or the other.

Can we take it down a notch and be kinder to each other….especially on Mother’s Day weekend?

The only thing that’s for sure? Time Magazine is selling a lot of magazines this month!

What do you think?  Comments, Questions, Concerns?

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