About Wicked Cool Baby

WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do your kids behave better for other people than they do for you?

Most parents have experienced this and asked themselves this question. Why does little Johnny follow the rules at other peoples houses but goes ballistic and throws a tantrum as soon as we leave? Why is little Mary an angel for the babysitter and then trips an emotional whine-fest the minute you get home? Makes you crazy sometimes, right?

I think for most kids, it’s the fact that they aren’t totally comfortable with the “alternate care-givers” and don’t feel free to let it all hang out. They know how they’re supposed to act and can keep it together for the time being, things are new and interesting in their environment and consequences are virtually unknown so they don’t push the envelope as much.

Familiar can be the challenge, but familiar is also the safe place with Mom and Dad where they can work out their little mental personas and how they fit into their world and the people around them. The great news is you get to see all the wonderful aspects of their little personalities when they are comfortable with Mom and Dad. Stuff the other people don’t always get to see. The intimate bonding stuff; the warm cuddly, huggable stuff……the parental reward stuff.

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