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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breast Feeding in Public or Going where no Man has Gone Before

I guess we’re gonna go there…..yes, talking about breastfeeding in public. Very controversial and everyone’s got an opinion. Not long ago, an article was posted at the Huffington Post about an incident where a mother was breastfeeding her 5 month old baby in front of everyone in court. She was covered and in the back of the room. The judge found it inappropriate and kicked her out of the courtroom. If you’d like to read this article you can find it here:


This begs the question; Are there any places that are inappropriate for breastfeeding (even if covered) or should a mother have complete carte blanche to breastfeed anywhere she pleases, covered or not?

True, it’s not illegal to breastfeed in public (at least I think not in most places, I don't know) I kinda feel that as long as the mother is covered in a public place there shouldn’t be a problem…anywhere. I realize that this is also not a popular stance either, and latching is difficult when covered at times, but I feel, if that mother wants to be uncovered, she should find a more private place to feed her child. Notice I didn’t suggest a bathroom (although some have clean sitting rooms adjacent)….maybe an office or conference room or chair in a less traveled hallway. It’s not about shame or dirty, it’s about modesty and respectfulness. Some people have no problem being nude either but it’s not allowed in public. I know it’s a natural thing but so are lots of bodily functions that I don’t want to see in public. Just cover up and no one can say they saw anything.

I know my opinion isn’t everyone’s but I do think it’s common, and I know if you’re a mom who has a breastfeeding infant, you may not agree. Breastfeed anywhere you want, I just don’t wanna see it…why should your rights trump my rights?

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