Have you heard these terms? Here are the “definitions”…
Mommy-Jacking: The art of “hi-jacking” someone else’s unrelated FB status or comment post to make it all about your child or needing to have a child.
Parental Oversharing: The misguided idea that somehow, everyone following you on social media wants to know and hear about your child’s poop, snot (and other bodily fluids), or your toddler’s boners.
Of course, there all types of Mommy-Jackers: We have the Classic Mommy-Jacker; she really believes that your day/post will be better when she interjects her news. The Self-Centered Mommy-Jacker; she finds a way to work info about her kids into just about any conversation. The Self-Righteous Mommy-Jacker; she will let you know that no matter what’s happening in your life, she has faced worse, done more, or already tried that and knows what you need to do. There are even Mommy-Jackers that try to hi-jack other Mommy-Jackers with “One-up-manship” ala the You-think-you’re-tired-listen-to-this type posts.
Parents DO get a bad wrap for doing this, especially when you consider that other people overshare about other aspects of their lives too….like your friend that tells you every time they’re off to the grocery store or specific details about their exercise workout. Have a little patience.
As parents, of course you’re proud of your child’s first solid poop or their extreme cuteness when they scream and you think you might be more challenged and tired than anyone EVER, but before you hit SEND, just ask yourself, “Is this information really necessary or am I just Mommy-Jacking this person’s status?”
When reading these, most people just think, “Eww, TMI!” ….and then there are the ones who think, “How can your children be the center of the universe when clearly mine are?”
Have you been guilty of over-sharing in the past? What's the funniest thing someone has shared about their kids on your FB page?

About Wicked Cool Baby
WCB has some of the funniest and creative baby shirts, onesies and accessories offered on the web and we are growing all the time! Come see the latest designs we have to offer. Wicked Cool Baby playwear makes great gifts for showers and birthdays or you can outfit your own little cuties! You want your kids to be cool, RIGHT?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Fifty Shades of Baby Boom
Yes, I admit it….I’ve read the first two of the three Fifty Shades (E.L. James) books….as have millions of women now. I initially had little interest until the buzz got so loud it was barely avoidable and it piqued my curiosity. I also was approached by a total stranger in a sushi bar while reading a (different) novel on my Nook and asked if I was reading Fifty Shades. The lady was so excited and breathy to hear if I’d read the popular novel and when I told her “No, I’ve heard a lot about it though” she said, “OMG you simply must!”.
In addition to the sexy story and erotic passages that happen in the book, women are falling in love with the steamy characters and, I think, the emotional fantasy it stirs. It’s been called “emotional crack” for women. This racy book, they claim, has really revved up their sex lives. I’m guessing their men are enjoying this renewed interest even if they’re not sure where it came from.
Recent talk suggests that we’ll be having a Baby Boom of Fifty Shades babies that should hit sometime in 2013 judging from when the books seem to have become so popular. Some ladies are admitting they are reading these novels two or three times and are even considering naming their newborns after the characters in the books.
Women have always related to and named their kids after certain characters in books and movies that moved them. Movies such as Body Heat (1981), 9 ½ weeks (1986) and Original Sin (2001) may have caused their own “baby boom” in their time.
Now we know that the Fifty Shades movie is a reality and the casting efforts are in full swing. Fans seem to be leaning towards either Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries) or Ryan Gosling (The Notebook) to play the sexy Christian Grey leading role but the casting is a very make or break thing since every woman has their own idea about who’s sexy and perfect for the part. Production is still a ways away so we have plenty of time to find the perfect Mr. Grey.
Have you named your child after a character in a book or movie? What actor would you pick to play Mr. Grey in the movie?
In addition to the sexy story and erotic passages that happen in the book, women are falling in love with the steamy characters and, I think, the emotional fantasy it stirs. It’s been called “emotional crack” for women. This racy book, they claim, has really revved up their sex lives. I’m guessing their men are enjoying this renewed interest even if they’re not sure where it came from.
Recent talk suggests that we’ll be having a Baby Boom of Fifty Shades babies that should hit sometime in 2013 judging from when the books seem to have become so popular. Some ladies are admitting they are reading these novels two or three times and are even considering naming their newborns after the characters in the books.
Women have always related to and named their kids after certain characters in books and movies that moved them. Movies such as Body Heat (1981), 9 ½ weeks (1986) and Original Sin (2001) may have caused their own “baby boom” in their time.
Now we know that the Fifty Shades movie is a reality and the casting efforts are in full swing. Fans seem to be leaning towards either Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries) or Ryan Gosling (The Notebook) to play the sexy Christian Grey leading role but the casting is a very make or break thing since every woman has their own idea about who’s sexy and perfect for the part. Production is still a ways away so we have plenty of time to find the perfect Mr. Grey.
Have you named your child after a character in a book or movie? What actor would you pick to play Mr. Grey in the movie?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Onesie Crosses the Line for Some
From the desk of Wicked Cool Baby:
Those are a few of the more extreme instances. Kinda makes the bikini onesie from Gordman’s seem a bit tamer…or not. Some folks said it didn’t bother them while others were offended. Wherever your thinking falls on this issue, the bottom line is that babies, infants and children are not supposed to be sexy, objectified or sexualized. That being said, realize that this bikini onesie was supposed to be all in fun, it’s intended as a joke, albeit not a very funny one. This is why you’ll never find these types of designs at Wicked Cool Baby.
How do you feel about this bikini onesie? All in fun or wildly inappropriate?
Wicked Cool Baby.com strives to be cute, funny and maybe a bit naughty without being gross, distasteful or nasty. We believe our baby onesies and toddler tees are a wicked cool and fun addition to any infant’s wardrobe. ~WCB staff
Last week a particular printed onesie was in the news, available at Gordman’s (at least in Mississippi) for a short time before the powers that be, removed it from the shelves reacting to outraged parents who felt it was wildly inappropriate.
Since this is a related topic to what Wicked Cool Baby does, I felt the need to comment.
I get why parents would dislike this particular onesie, I rather dislike the design myself. I feel it’s inappropriate to create infant wear that depicts any design that is sexual in nature. I’m guessing that’s the basis for the parental outrage over this one; it’s distasteful. By the sound of this story, I’m not alone in my thinking.
I have also seen onesies and infant wear that comment on sperm “winning” and Daddy “getting it up”…I hate these too! Although, I have to say, over the years I’ve seen other things that bothered me much more, like Abercrombie’s “Push-up” bikini tops for 7 year olds (padded tops) last year http://tinyurl.com/6s93f3y and a few years back, thong underwear in very small sizes featuring a charm on the back center which appealed to the littlest girls (I don’t remember where), not to mention the crotchless undies recently for sale at the “Kids N Teen” shop here in Colorado. http://tinyurl.com/7gbngbc
Those are a few of the more extreme instances. Kinda makes the bikini onesie from Gordman’s seem a bit tamer…or not. Some folks said it didn’t bother them while others were offended. Wherever your thinking falls on this issue, the bottom line is that babies, infants and children are not supposed to be sexy, objectified or sexualized. That being said, realize that this bikini onesie was supposed to be all in fun, it’s intended as a joke, albeit not a very funny one. This is why you’ll never find these types of designs at Wicked Cool Baby.
How do you feel about this bikini onesie? All in fun or wildly inappropriate?
Wicked Cool Baby.com strives to be cute, funny and maybe a bit naughty without being gross, distasteful or nasty. We believe our baby onesies and toddler tees are a wicked cool and fun addition to any infant’s wardrobe. ~WCB staff
Monday, July 2, 2012
Caution: Children at Play
Recently, I visited a friend who lives in a suburb very close to mine who has a neighbor that recently started putting out these “Children at Play” signs in front of their house.
Only, said neighbor doesn’t place them on the grass or curb as depicted in the picture. They put one on each side of their property, smack dab in the middle of the street where cars have to literally drive around them, to allow their children to play IN the street, creating what they think is a “play zone” for their kids. I don’t think I have to tell you what a bad idea this is…..or do I?
This neighbor apparently believes this sign will take care of any problems pertaining to their children playing in the street in front of their house, including reducing speeds and preventing accidents. On several occasions, going by this location, there were no parents in sight. “Children at Play” signs give parents and kids a false sense of security, as the sign is assumed to provide protection, when in fact, motorists pay little attention to them.
Manufacturer’s of these signs use parental fear as a selling point saying “Notifying drivers that there are children at play may reduce your child’s risk” These type of “advisory signs” have been proven neither to change driver behavior, nor do anything to improve the safety of children in a traffic setting. What’s more, these types of signs are not sanctioned by the State or Federal Traffic Administrations and in addition, placing them or any other signage blocking a city street is against City Ordinance Codes.
Look, children should not be allowed or encouraged to play in or near the street. Federal standards reject these signs because they openly suggest that playing in the street is acceptable. More importantly, parents should be teaching their children the dangers of playing in or near roadways and strongly discouraging them from doing so, not trying to block off streets areas for them to play in. I realize that some parents are going to err on the side of “It can’t hurt” to place the signs out there, but as I stand and watch 4 and 5 year olds riding trikes in circles between the two “safety” signs without paying any attention to the cars approaching, I think “This can’t end well” while silently hoping it does.
The above mentioned neighbor is located in a city of Colorado…for the exact city code they are violating, you can view the City of Thornton, Colorado Code of Ordinances here: http://tinyurl.com/77q4hgh
(Article XII - Traffic & Vehicles, DIV 2 – Model Traffic Code, Sec. 38-523, G (113.5) #5)
What do you think? Have you used these signs before? Tell us your opinion.
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